What is a Non Molestation Order?
In England and Wales, a Non Molestation Order prohibits a person (the respondent) from molesting the person applying for an Order (the applicant) or a related child.
Partner, Family Law
Mental health problems affect around one in six adults. And, with more and more people coming forward to speak openly about their mental health experiences, it’s no longer the taboo topic that it once was.
At least it isn’t for Men, who make up approximately half of the population.
One in eight men suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), but only one in four seek help for it.
As a result, men’s mental health issues are often left undiagnosed. This is why three times as many men die from suicide than women.
Suicide caused by mental health issues is the biggest killer in men under 50.
There could be any number of reasons why men find it hard to talk about or seek help for their mental health struggles. It’s a personal thing that’s different for everyone.
In the battle for equality, we often talk about derogatory female stereotypes and how women are expected to look and behave in a certain way. But what about the stereotypes that men deal with?
As a society, men can often feel they are expected to be these tough, strong, alpha males who aren’t afraid of anything. Talking about or displaying emotion can be seen as a weakness and it’s this type of stereotypical view that can stop men from opening up and admitting that they need help.
So, instead of talking about their feelings, men may be forced to bottle them up. This makes mental health issues worse and explains why so many men’s mental health problems may go untreated.
Although there’s so much information about mental health awareness online, there’s still a huge gap in knowledge and understanding about mental health issues and what symptoms to look out for. For example, many people think that the biggest sign of depression is feeling sad or emotional. But that’s not always the case.
Depression can present itself in all sorts of ways such as:
So sometimes, men don’t come forward when they’re suffering from a mental health issue because they don’t know they have a problem: It can be difficult to know what’s normal and what isn’t.
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Cobb, A.S. and P. (2022) Divorces in England and Wales: 2021, Divorces in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/divorce/bulletins/divorcesinenglandandwales/2021#:~:text=Number%20of%20divorces%20and%20rates,-Opposite%2Dsex%20divorces&text=This%20is%20similar%20to%20the,down%20to%20231%20in%202021. (Accessed: 07 November 2023).
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Group, P. (no date) 40% of men won’t talk to anyone about their mental health, Priory. Available at: https://www.priorygroup.com/blog/40-of-men-wont-talk-to-anyone-about-their-mental-health#:~:text=A%20fifth%20of%20men%20(19.5,2020%20were%20for%20men%20%5Bsource%5D (Accessed: 07 November 2023).
Nicholls, K. (no date) Key statistics about men and mental health, Counselling Directory. Available at: https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/men-and-mental-health-stats.html#howcancounsellinghelp (Accessed: 07 November 2023).
Service, G.D. (2015) Parental rights and responsibilities, GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/parental-rights-responsibilities/who-has-parental-responsibility#:~:text=Births%20registered%20in%20England%20and,responsibility%20if%20they%20later%20divorce. (Accessed: 07 November 2023).
Life after divorce: 7 survival tips for men (no date) Movember. Available at: https://us.movember.com/story/life-after-divorce-for-men (Accessed: 07 November 2023).
Amy Morin, L. (2022a) The psychological effects of divorce on children, Verywell Family. Available at: https://www.parents.com/parenting/divorce/coping/age-by-age-guide-to-what-children-understand-about-divorce/
(Accessed: 09 November 2023).
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