Same Solicitor Divorces - Collaborative Divorce Solicitors

You could save over £1,000 on divorce when you and your ex use the same Divorce Solicitor.

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A marriage or civil partnership falling apart is difficult enough. You might think involving Divorce Solicitors will make things worse, but at Simpson Millar we think our job is to make it better.

The divorce process doesn’t have to be long, expensive or stressful. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a good divorce, if you get the right team behind you.

If you and your ex want to separate well, or if you have already split up amicably and just need help sorting out the formalities, then our same solicitor divorce service might be the answer for you.

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What's Involved?

The first step is to get in touch with one of our divorce experts. They’ll talk to you about your current situation and assess whether or not using Same Solicitor for your Divorce is the right option for you.

Don’t worry if it isn’t, we offer a range of fixed fee and flexible pricing solutions because we know every family is different.

We’ll need check that you’re both committed to a conflict free process and that neither of you is being put under any pressure by the other, before we do anything else. Divorce cases involving domestic abuse will rarely be suitable for this service.

If you meet the criteria then our expert team will talk you and your ex through the divorce process from start to finish before agreeing a timeline with you that fits in with you and your life.  

You’ll be given a clear roadmap to follow as you navigate your separation and things will move forward at your pace, not a pace set by a Court, meaning you’re in the driving seat.

Generally, that roadmap will look something like this:

Separating Together Timeline

Alongside all of this we’ll do all of the leg work to ensure your marriage or civil partnership to each other is formally dissolved.


    Initial assessment

    We'll carry out separate assessments with you and your partner to get the information we need and ensure that the process is right for you and your family


    Signing declarations

    We'll ask you both to sign a declaration, committing yourselves to an amicable split


    Joint meeting

    You'll attend a joint meeting where we'll set an agenda and timescales by when each step needs to be completed, so you can plan ahead


    Financial analysis

    Our team will help you gather together and analyse your financial information and documents


    Second meeting

    You'll attend a second meeting to review the solicitor's expert analysis of the range of settlement options and consider the best way forward that works for both of you


    Time to think

    You can take some time to think about what it is you both want


    Third meeting

    In the third meeting, you'll usually reach an agreement



    The terms of your settlement will be drawn up into a contract



    We'll prepare all the paperwork and send it to the Court to be approved



    The process ends and you can move forward with confidence, safe in the knowledge that your agreement is legally binding

How Much Does it Cost?

One of the biggest benefits of using Same Solicitor Divorce is that it reduces the overall divorce costs. Instead of paying fees for two Divorce Solicitors, you only have one fixed price to pay, which you’ll usually agree to share equally, so things remain fair. In the example below, we show you how you could save over £1,000.

Separating Together Explained

Our Family Law Team at Simpson Millar can help clients who want to separate in an amicable way with one lawyer. This can not only speed up the process but also be cheaper all round.

Have You Already Reached an Agreement?

Great! If you’ve already agreed everything and you just want us to draw up the divorce papers for you, we can do that.

We offer two fixed price solutions:

We would almost always recommend you have both, so that you’re protected from future claims against each other as well as your legal relationship being brought to an end properly. Again, as is the case when you use same solicitor divorce, you and your ex can agree to share the divorce costs.

In this scenario, we’d usually represent one of you and the other person would have the option to get their own, separate legal advice, if they wanted to.  

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Benefits of Using the Same Solicitor for your Divorce

Sharing a Divorce Solicitor or Lawyer with your ex means that the process will almost always be:

  • Cheaper – You’ll only have one set of legal fees, so it will be much cheaper than using two Divorce Lawyers
  • Quicker – Because you’ll both want to get through the process quickly and amicably, with only one Divorce Lawyer there’s no waiting around or arguments causing delays
  • Flexible – You set the agenda. The divorce process fits around you. Rather than a Court imposing deadlines, you say when, where and how your separation gets sorted
  • Respectful – Using same solicitor divorce means your divorce should remain civil. You’ll be treated like adults, expected to take a constructive and solution focused approach and we’ll facilitate an open and honest dialogue throughout the divorce process
  • "When we realised that our marriage had reached the end of the road, our main priority was separating peacefully and painlessly. We have children and being able to continue to co-parent them is really important to us. Using Separating Together meant that we kept control, we set the timetable, we had a voice and we heard each other. Having a fixed price also meant that we were able to agree the costs right from the start, so we knew exactly what to budget for. We’d recommend using the same solicitor to any couples who want to sort out their finances sensibly."

    Debbie and Tommy

    Separating Together Clients

Why Use the Same Solicitor to Get Divorced?

We are one of few law firms in England and Wales that gives you and your ex the option to use the same Solicitor to get a divorce. We pride ourselves on our personal and friendly service and will always tailor our legal advice to your needs, whilst always looking at the whole picture for both of you and any children if you have them.

Our Divorce Solicitors and Lawyers will:

  • Always be open and honest with you. We’re the Open Lawyers and that means being straightforward with our services and pricing
  • Use our years of expertise to make sure you both get the right outcome in your divorce
  • Be there for you every step of the way and help you with every aspect of ending your marriage or civil partnership
  • Offer you a range of options such as video or telephone calls for your appointments

Get in touch, today!

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