Fatal Medical Negligence Claims

For free legal advice call our Medical Negligence Solicitors and we will help you. Ask if we can deal with your claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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Losing a loved one or family member because of a mistake by a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional can be devastating.

Taking legal action might not be a priority when you’re coping with a sudden bereavement, but it can help you get the closure you need. Compensation can also give you much needed financial support if you relied financially on the person who died.

Our friendly and supportive Medical Negligence Solicitors have helped many families who have suffered terrible losses because of surgical errors, late diagnosis of illnesses like cancer and other fatal medical mistakes.

We’ll ask you want you want from the claims process and do all we can to get the outcome you want. Call us for a free claims assessment and we’ll quickly tell you if we think you have a claim. We take on most of our Medical Negligence Claims on a No Win, No Fee basis – just ask us for details.

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FAQ's about Fatal Medical Negligence

When someone dies because of medical negligence, you can make a claim for a statutory bereavement award, which is £15,120 (from May 2020). There are rules about who can make a claim for a statutory bereavement award. You can claim if you are:

A husband, wife or civil partner
A parent and your child dies before they reach 18 years old
Living together as a couple for at least 2 years
These statutory payments exclude many people, including children who lose a parent because of a medical mistake. But we can still help you. Call us and speak to one of our expert Medical Negligence Solicitors to see if you can claim.

No amount of compensation can make up for a sudden and devastating loss, but we know many people who find the claims process helpful. For example:

  • You could get an apology from the healthcare provider
  • You can find out what happened to your loved one and why – this can help you get closure
  • Compensation can help you if you relied financially on the person who died

Making a Medical Negligence claim can also highlight wider failings in the NHS, so changes are made to avoid similar mistakes in the future. It’s important that you’re clear about what you want to get from the Medical Negligence claims process so you can get the closure you deserve.

Your compensation settlement could include compensation for various things such as the pain and suffering of the person who died, the cost of their funeral and their financial contribution to your household.

Your Solicitor will talk you through all of this information when they take on your claim.

Yes. You have 3 years from the date of their death to make a claim

We handle most medical negligence claims on a No Win, No Fee basis, known as a Conditional Fee Agreement. This means you only pay our legal fees if your claim is successful.

Why Choose Simpson Millar?

Our Medical Negligence Solicitors are some of the most knowledgeable and experienced specialists in the UK. We will:

  • We’re honest

    Keep you regularly updated throughout the claims process and always speak to you in simple, straightforward language, with no legal jargon

  • We’ll always tell you where you stand

    Help you get the best possible outcome for you and work in a way that suits your circumstances and individual wishes

  • We strive for the best

    Work constructively with the NHS to settle your claim outside of Court, if we feel they’ve offered you the right settlement. We can ask that lessons are learnt so other hopefully don’t have to go through what you have

  • We’re industry accredited

    Use our expertise to help you – this is demonstrated by our membership of the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Accreditation scheme and the Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Solicitors referral panel

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What is the Fatal Medical Negligence Claim Process?


    Free Claims Assessment

    Call us on 0808 239 6043 for a Free Claims Assessment. We can tell you if we think you have a claim.


    Medical Expert

    We’ll ask an independent medical expert to review the care your loved one received and give us their opinion on whether their treatment was substandard and caused their death.


    Making a Complaint

    If we think it’s important to go through the NHS Complaints procedure, we can help you with this and review the outcome of any complaint.


    Claiming Compensation

    Claiming compensation for fatal medical negligence can be complicated, but we’ll support you through it.


    Interim Payment

    If possible, we’ll apply for an interim compensation payment, so you don’t have to wait until the case settles to get any financial support you may need.


    Settling a Claim

    We always aim to settle claims outside of Court, but if we feel that the settlement isn’t fair, we’ll tell you. We’ll keep negotiating right up to the hearing date and support you through the Court process.


    Payment of Compensation

    Once a settlement has been agreed, we’ll arrange payment of your compensation.

Awards & Accreditations

A number of our Clinical and Medical Negligence Solicitors are members of the Law Society’s Medical Negligence Panel and AvMA Solicitors Referral Panel.

Check our full list of accreditations or browse the many awards we have won for our work. This includes several wins at the Personal Injury Awards.

Simpson Millar subscribes as a member of the AvMA Lawyer's Service and The Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers

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