Personal Injury Lawyers near Nottingham

For free legal advice to understand if you could have a claim for compensation, please call our Personal Injury Lawyers near Nottingham and we will do our best to help you. Ask if we can deal with your claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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Physiotherapist working with young male patient

Suffering an injury through no fault of your own can be extremely difficult to come to terms with. Our expert team of Personal Injury Lawyers near Nottingham could help you access the support and compensation you deserve.

We have years of combined experience in dealing with Personal Injury claims in Nottinghamshire and throughout England & Wales. If you’re not sure where to start with making a claim, we can provide guidance and specialist knowledge that will help you as you go through the claims process as well as providing you with a free, no obligation case assessment. Our team have a great track record helping clients get successful settlements. We are specialist personal injury lawyers who know what to do to help get the results that you deserve.

Get in touch today to find out if we could support you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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Personal Injury Claims near Nottingham

Are you living near Nottingham and looking for a specialist injury solicitor? Our team of Personal Injury Solicitors could help. Whether you’ve been injured at work or were involved in a road traffic accident, our Personal Injury team near Nottingham can support you in the following cases:

Why Choose us as Your Personal Injury Solicitors near Nottingham?

We understand that the thought of coming to Personal Injury Lawyers for advice about a claim can feel daunting. But you shouldn’t let this deter you from starting the process. Our expert team near Nottingham are honest and friendly and will do everything they can to make sure you feel relaxed and comfortable.

  • Friendly and clear communication

    Our aim is to make the claims process as simple and straightforward as possible. We’ll talk you through every step, ensuring you’re always informed.

  • No Win, No fee

    Our Solicitors near Nottingham can handle most Personal Injury claims on a No Win, No Fee basis.

  • Accredited Solicitors

    We’re accredited and many of our Personal Injury Solicitors are members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and Motor Accident Solicitors Society (MASS). We’re also authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

  • Connected with experts

    We work with top clinicians including prosthetics experts, physiotherapists, doctors, occupational therapists, nurses and cosmetic surgeons. We’ll get you the best treatment for your illness or injury.

We have strong partnerships with leading organisations. These include the Spinal Injuries Association, Headway, BRAKE, the Child Brain Injury Trust, the British Lung Foundation and Action Against Medical Accidents.

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How we Work – Straightforward Accident Claims near Nottingham

We’ve broken down the main stages of a typical Personal Injury claim to give you a better idea of what the process will involve. We’ll work to make the process as stress-free as possible so you can focus on your recovery.


    Contact us

    When you first get in touch, our trained legal advisors will talk to you as part of a free consultation about your injuries and current situation. We’ll then tell you how we could help so that you can make an informed decision about whether you’d like to go forward with making a claim.


    Meeting your Lead Solicitor

    We’ll put you in touch with an expert Personal Injury Solicitor who will support you throughout the claims process. They’ll work with you to ensure you get the best outcome.


    Collecting evidence

    Our specialist team will gather evidence to support your claim. This could include statements from you and any witnesses to your accident as well as CCTV footage or photos from the scene. We’ll also collate your medical records and ask an independent medical expert to report on your injuries.


    Valuing your claim

    After gathering evidence, we’ll use this information to calculate how much compensation we think you should receive.


    Contacting the other party

    We’ll approach the person or organisation we think is responsible for your injuries and let them know that you’re making a claim. We’ll then ask them to admit fault (or liability) as soon as possible.


    Securing interim payments

    Where the other party admits full or partial responsibility, we’ll apply for an interim payment to ease any financial pressures you may have. This could be used to pay for any immediate household bills or medical treatment you need.


    Negotiating for compensation

    We’ll negotiate with the other party on your behalf and work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. We’re usually able to do this without the claim going to Court, but if it does, we’ll make sure you’re fully prepared.


    Receiving your compensation

    If your claim is successful, we’ll ensure that you get your settlement money as soon as possible. If your claim is unsuccessful, you’ll pay nothing under the No Win, No Fee agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Simpson Millar, we can work on a No Win, No Fee basis. But what does this mean?

In short, you'll sign a Conditional Fee Agreement (or a Damages Based Agreement) at the start of your case. This agreement states that, if you lose your case, you won't pay our legal costs.

If you win your case, the other side will pay a proportion of our costs. But you may have to pay some of our costs too. If so, this will come out of the personal injury compensation you get. 

Do you have a motor or household insurance policy that includes legal cover? If so, you can use this to help meet any costs you need to pay when your case is successful.

Learn more about making a No Win, No Fee Personal Injury Claim with Simpson Millar.

For a personal injury compensation claim to succeed, we need to show that somebody else was at fault for your injuries or illness.

In some cases, this'll be a straightforward process. If your car is hit by a speeding vehicle that runs a red light, for example, it's clear to see who's to blame.

In many personal injury cases, however, it's not obvious who is responsible. So, there may well be questions that still need answering.  

The best way to find out if you could make a claim is to contact us for a free, confidential chat. There's a good chance we can help even if you had some part to play in your injuries – such as not wearing a seatbelt in a car accident.

Speaking to our team will help you see where you stand and what your options are. There's no pressure to continue with a personal injury claim either. So, why not get in touch today?

Not sure how to make a personal injury claim? With Simpson Millar, it's simpler than you might think. It all starts by calling 0808 258 4043 – or by requesting a callback for a time that's more convenient for you.

You'll get free, confidential legal advice from our friendly advisors before you decide whether to go ahead. It's your chance to tell us what happened in your own words – and how it's affecting you. We'll then explain how we can help in plain, easy-to-understand words.

We know that starting a legal process can feel scary. You might not be sure if you have a claim. Or you might not know how personal injury claims work. But we're here to put you at ease.

And once you speak to our advisors, it's up to you if you choose to go ahead from this point. If you do, one of our specialist personal injury solicitors will take your case from there.

Every claim is different. The amount of personal injury compensation you could get will depend on lots of different things. These include:

    • The severity of your injuries or illness
    • If you need ongoing care or adaptations to your home
    • If you need rehabilitation or physiotherapy
    • How much you lost in earnings due to your injuries
    • If you are partly responsible for your injuries

In the UK, there are guidelines on how much personal injury compensation can be awarded. The guidelines are set by the Judicial College and consider various different types of injury.

Using these guidelines and the unique details of your case, your Solicitor can tell you the amount they expect you to get. This is just an estimate, however. The details of your case will ultimately prove crucial in deciding what you are awarded.

You can learn more about the people we've helped by reading our personal injury case studies. 

'Special damages' is the legal phrase for personal injury compensation that is designed to cover any financial losses you suffer due to your injury or illness. That could be:

  • Lost earnings from taking time off work
  • Loss of future income if your career options are now limited
  • Medical treatment and ongoing care
  • Travel and/or accommodation costs
  • Modifications to your car or home

'Special damages' are different to 'general damages', which are covered by the Judicial College guidelines and relate to the pain and suffering caused by your injury.

Your total personal injury compensation claim will combine the 'quantum of damages'. In easy terms, this means the special and general damages involved in your case are added together.

Families matter. And if your case involves serious injuries, our team don't just focus on you. We can also help your loved ones in a number of ways.

First, we could let your family members know if they can claim personal injury compensation as secondary victims.

We can also show them the best resources available for support, rehabilitation and guidance at what can be a traumatic time. This might include early access to treatment that isn't offered by the NHS – but that can be paid for privately as part of your claim.

Are you worried that making a claim against a person or organisation you know will leave them out of pocket? Don't worry – this isn't the case. In any personal injury claim settlement process, the other side's insurance company pays your compensation.

Yes – you can make a claim if your employer didn't do enough to keep you safe. As mentioned above, they won't pay the compensation themselves. It'll be their insurers. And, under UK law, all employers must have insurance to cover any potential claims.

Learn more about making an Accident at Work Claim. 

An injury or illness can affect you in various ways. Even a minor bump to the head could mean a few days off work, potential loss of income and a severe headache. With any personal injury claim, the intention is to reflect your pain and suffering – as well as any losses you incur.

This means you can claim compensation for a wide range of things. There's no one-size-fits-all approach either. Any settlement you receive will be unique to you and your situation.

An accident can occur at any time, in any place, and to anyone. From a road traffic collision to an injury at work, personal injury law covers a wide range of situations. And you can trust our team of expert Solicitors to act on your behalf – no matter how your injury or illness is caused.   

We know that dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be a stressful time. And, above all else, the focus should be on your recovery. But making a personal injury claim can be a crucial part of that process too.

You can use compensation to pay for the cost of any specialist treatment and care. Or you may have lost income to replace while you're unable to work. And in some instances, your claim can bring about changes that reduce the chances of your accident happening to someone else. 

Yes – in some cases, you can claim on behalf of someone else. This is typically when:

  • A child is injured before their 18th birthday
  • A loved one doesn't have the mental capacity to start their own claim.

Unsure how to make a personal injury claim on behalf of someone else? Want to find out if you can do so? Get in touch with us today – our friendly advisors will let you know where you stand.

You usually have three years to start your claim.

In a lot of cases, this three-year time limit starts from the date of your accident. If your injury or illness isn't known about straight away, however, the time limit will start when you're diagnosed.

It could also be up to three years after you learn that someone else caused your injury or illness.

There are exceptions where you might have more or even less time to make a claim too.

It's generally better to get in touch as soon you think you may have a claim. Doing so gives your personal injury solicitor the best chance of building a strong case. The accurate evidence needed will be easier to collect and fresher in people's minds.

Even if the three-year deadline is coming up soon, we can still help. Get in touch with us today.

The time it takes from start to end varies. It depends on factors such as:

  • The severity and circumstances of your injuries or illness
  • How long it takes to gather evidence e.g., medical reports, photos or witness statements
  • If the other side agrees to settle – or decides to challenge your claim

A clear and obvious road accident claim can be resolved in a matter of months, for example. But a complex medical negligence case can last many years. The key thing to remember is that we'll be there to support and update you every step of the way – no matter how long it takes. You should also be aware that where the other side has admitted liability you will be able to get access to an interim payment before the case concludes to help you sooner.

The good news is that most personal injury claims in the UK don't go to Court. In fact, the total number is around 1% of all claims. We'll explore and encourage all other options for you before it gets that far – including mediation and round-table settlement meetings.

Even if the other party challenges your claim and the Court process is started, it doesn't mean it will end up in Court. We could still negotiate a settlement before the hearing date comes around.

In the unlikely event that your claim does go to Court, our skilled personal injury solicitors will fight to get the best possible outcome on your behalf. It's also unlikely that you'll be asked to appear in Court. If you are, however, we'll do all that we can to support you throughout.

In short, yes – compensation can affect your eligibility for certain benefits.

But there are ways around this problem.

If your injury or illness forces you to give up work or take a long period of time off on reduced pay, you're entitled to get state benefits to cover lost income or help cope with a disability.

Making a claim and receiving a large amount of compensation in one go can affect this. It might mean that your income is deemed to be too high to qualify for these benefits.

One practical solution is creating a personal injury trust. Like a bank account, your compensation can be transferred into a trust in full. It's then looked after by other people – known as trustees – in a way that works for you. And you can continue to receive state benefits in the meantime.

A trust can also make sure your compensation isn't used too quickly or in the wrong ways.

You can talk to your personal injury solicitor during the claims process to find out if setting up a trust is the right choice for you. You can also read about them in more detail as part of our guide to personal injury trusts and means-tested benefits.

Your Solicitor needs to prove that the other party was at least partly to blame for your injuries. This could be down to something they did – or even failed to do.

This means collecting evidence that shows how their behaviour caused your injury or illness. It is also your Solicitor's role to prove the other damages you suffered as a result.

Ultimately, it's up to us to do the hard work.

You can help the process along and improve your chances of success, however. This can include:

  • Noting down key information. This includes the date, time and details of the incident. Witness contact details and vehicle registration numbers (if relevant) can also be really useful.
  • Keeping hold of useful documents – such as care or travel receipts, photographs, letters and emails.
  • Giving us permission to view your medical records. We may also ask you to undergo an independent medical examination to explore the full impact of your injuries.

The main thing is to be organised. But don't feel like giving up – even if you can't find things or never had them in the first place. We can still help you put together a strong personal injury claim and win the compensation you need. 

Get in touch, today!

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