Gender Pay Gap Report 2017

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Within Simpson Millar, women and men are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs. Having analysed the prescribed reporting criteria a gender pay gap has been identified.  We are confident however, that any gap is not an equal pay issue.

The results published across the legal sector show that there is work to do. Simpson Millar is committed to removing the pay gap demonstrated by the reporting analysis and in creating an environment that is inclusive, diverse and one that ensures equality of opportunity and enabling all our colleagues to reach their full potential.

We realise this may take some time to achieve and have established a working group with the objective to better understand the causes and reasons of this gap, and to develop an action plan to reduce this year on year.

Greg Cox, CEO

This pay gap report reflects the gender balance within Simpson Millar as of April 2017.

Difference between hourly rates for men and women





The above figures show hourly pay rates to men were higher than those paid to women

  Difference between bonus amounts for men and women





The above figures show bonus payments to men were higher than those paid to women

Pay Quartiles

The below charts show the distribution of Simpson Millar’s male and female colleagues when divided into four equal sized quartiles based on pay.


We confirm that that Simpson Millar’s gender pay gap calculations are accurate and have been calculated in line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Greg Cox 

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