Inquest Finds Suicide of 14-Year-Old Girl Could Have Been Prevented

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Shalini Patel

Head of Education, Public Law and Human Rights

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Simpson Millar’s team of Public Law Solicitors represented the family of teenager Mazielle Mackenzie at an Article 2* inquest investigating the circumstances surrounding her death, which concluded in October 2021 at Preston Coroner’s Court following a five-day hearing.

Mazielle, who was known to her family and friends as Mazie, had an extensive history of self-harm and had previously disclosed that she had been the victim of sexual abuse.

She was taken into care in 2016 and was admitted as a resident at The Cove in May 2018 – a hospital for young people between the ages of 13 and 18 who are experiencing a variety of mental health problems.

Despite being admitted to the specialist inpatient unit, four weeks later the teenager tragically took her own life on 23rd June 2018. She was just 14 years old.

On the night of her death, she had visited a park as part of a group of young people from the unit. However, instead of returning to the Morecambe facility she ran away and was later found hanging from a swing in a local playground.

An investigation following her death confirmed that the group had only been accompanied by two members of staff.

An inquest into her death which concluded at Preston Coroner’s Court on Friday, October 1st, recorded a verdict of death by suicide.

The inquest also found that Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust failed to revisit her formulation and risk management plans when self-harm incidents occurred and did not include Mazie’s needs and how they were to be met.

*Article 2 inquests refer to the type of inquest needed in order for the state to comply with its obligations under Article 2 (the right to life) of the European Convention of Human Rights and take place, for example, when someone has died whilst under the care or protection of the state, or whilst in state custody.

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What the Inquest Found

The inquest also concluded that:

  • Her risk assessment held limited risk history and management plans in regard to Mazie's risk of going missing.
  • There was no written standardised procedure for agreeing and facilitating leave.
  • Communication of relevant information and record-keeping did not meet the required standard.
  • There was insufficient staff to supervise children when on leave from the hospital.

The Coroner further concluded that with regards to York Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, there was:

  • A delay in making a referral to place Mazie in a tier 4 placement which was appropriate for her needs.
  • A failure by York CAMHS to accept ownership of her case and that during that delay Maize’s mental health deteriorated.

Inquest Overview

Throughout the inquest, the Coroner heard concerns about the level of care that Mazie had received, specifically in relation to the ratio of staff to young people on leave on the date of Mazie's death.

Representatives for the family also highlighted the lack of a risk assessment prior to the decision to permit the group to leave with that staffing ratio and the lack of guidance in Mazie’s care plan regarding circumstances in which she should have leave and how it should be facilitated.

History of Self-Harm

Speaking following the hearing, our human rights lawyer who was acting on behalf of Mazie’s family at the hearing, said: “This is a truly tragic case which resulted in the death of a vulnerable young girl who was in desperate need of care, support and protection.

“As was detailed throughout the inquest, Mazie had a long history of self-harm behaviour. She was also a flight risk, having run away more than 20 times in less than a year from the care home where she had been living prior to moving to The Cove.

“Despite this, there was countless evidence to suggest that more could have been done to protect her. Better communication between the relevant safeguarding authorities, more comprehensive risk assessments, and more appropriate supervision.

“The Coroner’s findings show that had there been robust procedures in place and more staff at the time then Mazie’s death could possibly have been avoided.

“While it is evident that lessons have been learnt from this terrible tragedy, it is sadly too little too late for Mazie.”

Mazie had been known to Cumbria children’s services since she was just 11 months old. She had a history of self-harm, including cutting herself, and ingesting harmful substances while in foster care and in residential care.

Her attempts to harm herself escalated to include ligatures, at which point she was transferred to The Cove in May 2018 for additional supervision and support.

The inquest heard that Mazie was well-loved by everyone who knew her. She was a talented musician and extremely caring. Her mother told the Court she was proud to be Mazie’s mum. Her life is better for having had Mazie in it even though Mazie is gone. She will always be Mazie’s mum and will never stop loving her and missing her.

How Simpson Millar Can Help

If a loved one has passed away suddenly and you are facing an inquest, our Specialist Inquest Solicitors can help you.

Whether you have a few questions about the inquest or you need our support throughout the process, we are ready to support you in any way that we can.

Contact us today to discuss your situation with our compassionate team to find out how we can help you. We can help deal with the Coroners Court, help with the entire inquest process, and also represent you at the inquest. Our priority is reducing the burden and stress during this difficult time.

References: (2023). Inquest Solicitors | Public Law | Simpson Millar Solicitors. [online] Available at:

Shalini Patel

Head of Education, Public Law and Human Rights

Areas of Expertise:
Public Law & Human Rights

Shalini leads her departments, shaping the team’s strategy with a focus on ensuring effective legal support is delivered. She has a strong track record of representing vulnerable individuals against government actions, particularly in cases involving human rights violations. Her notable legal actions include leading significant cases against public authorities, influencing policy changes, and fighting for the rights of those affected by unfair treatment. This experience has equipped her with profound insights into tackling complex legal challenges, especially in cases related to  public law and human rights.

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