Absolutely! Sports clubs are responsible for making sure that any visitors or pupils to their premises are reasonably safe, and the club also has a duty of care to its employees as well.
That means anyone either visiting or working at a sports club could claim compensation if they’re injured and believe it’s because the sports club was negligent in some way.
The question of negligence is important because many sports, from football to gymnastics, carry some risk of injury, and that is generally accepted. But that doesn’t mean sports clubs can simply ignore health and safety regulations.
Taking part in any sport can be dangerous as you’re often moving at speed in close proximity to other people. It’s fair to expect the odd injury, especially if you play a sport regularly. But, if you’ve suffered an injury due to someone’s actions, faulty equipment or poor supervision as a player, spectator, or worker, you could claim compensation.
It is estimated that every year there are 1-1.5 million people who attend A&E a year in Britain due to sports related injuries, or exercise. This, can be due to an accident, but sometimes, they could be down the sports club’s fault.
In order to ensure the sports club is safe, they are required to carry out risk assessments and put appropriate measures in place to control these risks, such as making sure that:
- Facilities are well maintained
- There is clear safety signage
- First aiders and respiratory equipment are available when needed
If they fail to take these basic safety steps and you’re injured as a result, you could have grounds to claim compensation for a serious injury.
Our Personal Injury Solicitors are specialists in this area of law, with a strong track record of helping people injured in public places claim compensation.
So, if you’ve been injured at a sports club and are thinking of making a claim, call us for a free claims assessment and we’ll be happy to speak with you.